Wind Atlas

wind atlas The Wind Atlas of Rio Grande do Sul is an important instrument for public policies and incentives for investment in wind energy, as it indicates the regions with the greatest potential for wind and power generation from this source. It contains detailed information on the wind regimes in Rio Grande do Sul, obtained from the most rigorous and up-to-date methodology, which allows identifying the most favorable locations for the implementation of wind farms.

Wind measurements carried out at various points in the State, at heights ranging from 80m to 120m, for long periods, were used to ensure greater certainty in estimating wind potential and wind characteristics. These measurements were made available by investors in partnership with the State Government.

It is also worth mentioning the presence of other important information such as the predominant wind directions throughout the State and the estimate of maximum winds – important in structural and civil construction projects –, and the wind potential by municipality, micro and mesoregions of the State.

Check out the Wind Atlas in its entirety.